Consent For Participation in Holiday Survival Kit Workshop

By checking the box on my registration form stating that I have read and agreed to the consent form, I am acknowledging and agreeing to the following:

  • I am participating in a one-time workshop hosted by Kelin Hall, LCSW, PLLC (Kelin). Participation in this workshop does not constitute a client-therapist relationship, and does not make me an ongoing client of Kelin Hall, LCSW, PLLC.

  • I understand that this is a psycho-educational (education about psychological stuff) workshop, and not psychotherapy. Though it may feel therapeutic, the experience is educational in nature and not a replacement for individual therapy or for group therapy. If concerns arise that suggest that I may benefit from psychotherapy, I agree to consult with Kelin and/or another mental health professional to get a referral for psychotherapy. Kelin will handle this privately, not in front of the group.

  • I acknowledge that a psycho-educational experience carries with it the potential for risks and benefits. The benefits may include increased insight, self-compassion, improved coping skills, creating a self-care and boundaries plan for the holidays, feeling less anxious about the holidays and enjoying them more, and other unexpected ones. The risks may include insight into unpleasant realities, uncomfortable feelings, distress, and being triggered, and others unforeseen.

  • I understand that I am free to participate to whatever degree is comfortable for me, and I will not push myself beyond that to meet any perceived expectations of myself or others.

  • I agree to take care of my body during the workshop - take bio breaks and eat if I need to.

  • I acknowledge that the facilitator will protect my confidentiality and not share my identity or information shared in the workshop with outside parties (except in case of immediate harm to me or others, in which case she will inform necessary people to assure safety).

  • In respect for other attendees’ privacy, I agree not to share personal information about other attendees with anyone. I understand that I cannot be absolutely certain that other attendees will keep what I say confidential.

  • I may exchange contact information with other attendees on a person-to-person basis. I acknowledge that any activity between attendees outside of the workshop is solely based on the choice of these attendees and is not the responsibility of the facilitator.

  • I will ask Kelin if I have any questions about this.